Networking Roundtable Discussions
Delegates break into small groups to discuss the most critical issues facing the food-tech industry. Each table is hosted by an industry expert, and delegates can choose the topic most relevant to their business.
Creating the Perfect Recipe: Advancing Taste & Nutrition Whilst Reducing Price & Ingredient Lists - Host: Nicolas Schweitzer, CEO, LA VIE
Accelerating Food-Tech Through Later Stage Investments Host: Guus Hovius, Executive Director, Equity Private Placements, RABOBANK
Innovation for the Future of Food: The Role of R&D for Sustainable Food Host: Nadia Attar-Bashi, Vice President R&D and Sustainability, Europe, Central Eurasia & Turkey, MARS WRIGLEY
Food-Tech Report: State of the European and Global Food-Tech Investments in 2024 Host: Matthieu Vincent, Founder, DIGITALFOODLAB
Unlocking Strategic Investment: Exploring the Dynamic & Focus of CVC Host: Sneha Chatterjee, EU Investment Analyst, KI TUA FUND
Breakthrough in Plant Proteins: New Extrusion Technology for Sustainable Production Hosts: Emilia Nordlund, Research Manager, VTT & Mirva Lampinen, Ecosystem Director, Food and Beyond, VTT
Building Consumer Brands: Navigating the Investment Journey From Seed to Exit Host: Niccolo Manzoni, Managing Partner, FIVE SEASONS VENTURES
From Manual to Digital: Revolutionising Audit Management for Supply Chain Excellence Host: Zoe Richards, Business Solutions Director, TRUSTWELL
Sweet-Tooth Satisfaction: Disruptive Innovation Changing Chocolate's Supply Chain Host: Ahrum Pak, CEO & Co-Founder, WIN-WIN
Navigating Regulatory Landscapes: Submitting a Novel Food Application for the Best Results Host: Katia Merten-Lentz, Founder, FOOD LAW SCIENCE & PARTNERS
System Changes: Achieving Transformation from Consumer to Distribution Host: Sjacco van Kol, Program Officer, STARTLIFE